February is Violence Prevention Month

As declared under the Violence Prevention Initiative, February is Violence Prevention Month and so says, Stephenville Mayor Tom O’Brien.

Several community members, adorned in pink, stood in support as Bay St. George Status of Women Co-Chair Sherry Chaulk read out the declaration with Mayor O’Brien making it official with his signature during the Stephenville Town Council meeting yesterday, January 26, 2017. Reading from the Proclamation, he announced, “I am pleased to proclaim the month of February 2017 to be Violence Prevention Month. I encourage all residents of Stephenville to recognize that violence prevention is everyone’s responsibility and support violence prevention activities in our community.”

Each year Violence Prevention Southwest and their local coordinating committees offer various activities and events in the southwestern region. Local schools avail of Violence Prevention Month grants, receiving kits including t-shirts, videos and recommended material for display and use.  The most popular event being STAND UP day. This year on Feb. 22, 2017 students, faculty, business and government staff will don their pink shirts to show their promise to STAND UP not stand by.

In addition to school activities, a community challenge is issued to all businesses, government offices, organizations and post-secondary training institutions  to Paint the Town Pink in support of this initiative.

There are many ways we as individuals can show our support of Violence Prevention as well. Changing our Facebook profile to pink for the month, wearing pink on Feb. 22, posting a “Pink”ie Promise to Stand Up to bullying on Twitter or Instagram. Teach our children how not to bully by being a positive role model. The
re are endless ways to show our support. And remember, while February may be the month to promote awareness, Violence Prevention is something we each need to make a daily part of our lives.