Respect Aging Conference for seniors

Day's Inn, Stephenville, NL 44 Queen St,, Stephenville, NL, Newfoundland, Canada

 Southwestern Coaliton to End Violence presents Respect Aging Conference for seniors Oct. 5-6, 2016 at the Day's Inn, Stephenville, NL Engage in fun, interactive workshops! Receive valuable information and resources! Learn of services and programs identified for seniors! Enjoy local

December 6 Memorial Service

College of the North Atlantic Port aux Basques

  In recognition of National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, please join Peaceful Communities and others as we hold a memorial service to remember women who have lost their lives at the hands of others.  

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

St. James Memorial Center, Port aux Basques, NL Port aux Basques, New, Canada

Check out the fun and information event! Turkey Dinner, Presentations & Live Entertainment Seating is limited..Register by calling Christine at 649-7505 or 695-7522 before June 4, 2017

Take Back the Night Walk

Gateway Women's Center 4 Andersons Ln, Channel-Port Aux Basques, NL, Canada

Join us for our annual Take Back the Night March- Speak out, raise awareness and support survivors of Sexual Violence.

Port aux Basques Pride Week

Come join us for this week of amazing and educational events designed to bring our community and The LBGTQ community together! We hope to see everyone out celebrating acceptance, diversity, individualism, and most importantly everyone's right to be loved and

SWCEV Inclusive Communities Regional Conference

Day's Inn, Stephenville, NL 44 Queen St,, Stephenville, NL, Newfoundland, Canada

Violence Prevention Southwest will host an Inclusive Communities Regional Conference Free of Charge for front-line service providers and peer supporters in the southwestern region on Oct. 10-11, 2018 at the Day’s Inn in Stephenville. Please consider this to be your