Lighting the World Pink for Violence Prevention Awareness!

To promote violence awareness and prevention, February has been declared Violence Prevention Month.  Local Coordinating Committees throughout the region have been busy connecting and challenging local communities to engage in events and activities.

VPM for the webpage

The Bay St. George Coalition partnered with the College of the North Atlantic on Feb 4 for the month’s kickoff hosting its Indoor Beach Party with free hugs and Random Acts of Kindness. Local businesses, organizations and offices have been issued the challenge to “light it up pink” by displaying pink in their doorways, windows, marquees, as well as, themselves. Social media avenues have encouraged hash tags to reflect positive messages along with painting profile pictures pink.

On Feb. 24 schools will host STAND UP Day with students and staff making pledges to stand up to bullying, while engaging in interactive respect education activities.

How will you highlight your personal pledge to fight to end violence and bullying? Will you participate in Violence Action & Awareness Training? Will you engage in a 10 Minute Talk? Or will you wear your pink shirt and Stand Up! Regards, let’s accept the challenge and “light it up pink!”