BSGCEV paints Main Street purple

On Friday, November 25th, passers-by and pedestrians were witness to Main Street, particularly the section around Coleman’s parkinunnamed-7g lot, transform into a purple world. unnamed-4
The Purple Ribbon Campaign is a province-wide event that creates public awareness with hopes of positive change in societal attitudes and behaviours regarding male violence against women in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Bay St. George Coalition to End Violence could be seen, with the assistance of the Town of Stephenville, decorating the two light poles in front of Coleman’s in purple. Following, volunteers made their way inside to hand out purple ribbon magnets and lapel pins to all customers and staff.

purrib2016bsgcevEveryone is encouraged to show their support by placing the magnet on thunnamed-6eir car, and wearing a ribbon to help spread the message that violence of any kind is unacceptable.

Following the purple ribbon decorating, many attended the Town of Stephenville office, where Mayor Tom O’Brien signed the proclamation, declaring the Purple Ribbon Campaign and 16 Days of Activism launched.

The Purple Ribbon campaign begins on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, runs through the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women on December 6, and ends on December 10, International Human Rights Day, encompassing the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence.

16 Days of Activism

16-days-of-activism-5Beginning on November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the 16 Days of Activism campaign is launched worldwide. Ending on December 10, Human Rights Day, this campaign is a time to pledge action and awareness to end violence against women and girls around the world. The campaign, originally started in 1991 by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership, has grown into an internationally recognized event with many activities happening around the world.images

Violence Prevention Southwest, recognizes the 16 Days of Activism with the launch of its Purple Ribbon Campaign, an awareness program requesting everyone to do their part in ending violence against women. For more local events, check out our Calendar of Events and Facebook page.

Mock Car Crash: A Teaching Opportunity


imageFor many passers-by the scene was horrific and shocking. Scattered broken glass, bent metal, blood and a victim being loaded onto a stretcher were all indicators that something went terribly wrong.

But, on September 13, 2016, luckily for the 37 year old male, this was the scene of a “Mock Car Crash.”

The second annual event organized by Peaceful Communities, gave first responders and emergency medical personnel real-life training, while witnesses were made aware just how serious distracted/impaired driving can be.

Corey Lomond, co-chair of Peaceful Communities at the time, reported the event a success. “Feedback has proven to us a lot of people are seeing the accident, and a lot of people are thinking this is real,” he said.

According to their Year in Review, the Bay St. George Chapter of MADD, reports that on average four people are killed with another 175 seriously injured due to impaired driving. CAA released that in North America there are 4 million car crashes per year. With 3 out of 4 drivers admitting to driving distracted, according to IBC Insurance.

Distracted driving comes in all forms from tuning the radio, to in-vehicle conversations with others. Today, however, it is most commonly due to texting and talking on cellphones. In fact, studies by Virginia Tech Transportation
Institute, 2010, indicate drivers who text or use cellular phones while driving are 23 times more likely to be involved in a car or near car crash.6357709927515511911248818647_texting-driving-imgopt1000x70

For one lucky person in Port aux Basques, this accident on September 13th was just a simulated training exercise. Let’s hope it was an eye-opener for many more.

To read more about this exercise click here, or follow us on Facebook.





SWCEV Highlights 2015-2016!

20161005_153939_hdrThirty-four people attended Violence Prevention Southwest’s Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016. Held at the Days Inn in Stephenville, there was representation from several organizations, including Western Health, Mental Health & Addictions, Community Youth Network, Community Education Network, Canadian Mental Health Association, Dept of Justice & Public Safety, Newfoundland Aboriginal Women’s Network, Lions Club and BSG Status of Women Council, among others. 

Bernice Hancock, Coordinating Agency Liaison for SWCEV, offered a warm welcome to everyone and thanked them for coming. Following a brief history and background regarding SWCEV and it’s commitment, since 2006, to the Violence Prevention Initiative, Bernice invited representatives from each of the Local Coordinating Committees (LCC): Peaceful Communities, H.E.L.P Committee and BSG Coalition to End Violence, to come forward and highlight their year.

Danielle Walters and Corey Lomond spoke of many events and activities the committee in Port aux Basques have undertaken this past year. For the Burgeo area, Kathy Cutler regarded, while a small committee, they have much to be proud of. Kim Kendell, Janice Kennedy and Vanessa Lee highlighted the value of partnerships when facilitating community events and activities. Although each LCC holds their own events locally, the initiatives are shared by all three LCCs.

Among some of those highlighted were facilitation of Take Back the Night events; Purple Ribbon Campaign/Dec. 6 Vigil; World Elder Abuse Awareness Day activities, Violence Prevention Month community and school-based activities; coordination of Stand Up Day; Families and Schools Together school-based programs; and PRIDE events. 

Along with coordinating and hosting events, SWCEV and LCCs spend time educating and offering public awareness with outreach activities regarding: positive mental health; integration and inclusion; sexual violence awareness; suicide prevention; fetal alcohol syndrome disorder, among others.20161005_153922_hdr

In a day and age where technology is the leading factor for promotion and education, participants were guided through a virtual tour of  the Violence Prevention Initiative. Coordinated by the Women’s Policy Office, the website highlights many of its various approaches to a province where everyone will live a violence-free life. Also emphasized was the SWCEV website featuring the three LCC’s events and contact information. 

Susan Fowlow, delivered a motivational keynote, sugared with laughter, as she spoke about the importance of volunteering and mentoring young volunteers to continue that path. As she finished she left everyone with a powerful food for thought question: “If you were arrested and charged with Random Acts of Kindness, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”20161005_161717_hdr 20161005_164350_hdr

As the meeting came to an end, Bernice thanked everyone for participating and five lucky winners walked away with a small reminder of the day.20161005_161259_hdr



Aging is only Mind over Matter-Respect Aging Conference

“Happiness and intimacy has nothing to do with age!” This was one of the many comments made by the 20161005_111759_hdrparticipants who took part in the two-day Respect Aging Conference.

Held at the Day’s Inn in Stephenville, seniors, and those working with seniors registered from the southwestern region to come together for camaraderie, learning and fun; and according to the feedback they weren’t disappointed. “I look forward to more of these,” said another.

The day began on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016 with Bernice Hancock, Executive Director of Community Education Network, the coordinating agency of Violence Prevention Southwest, welcoming the group and thanking them for their interest in Respect Aging.  With a brief background of SWCEV and their commitment to Violence Prevention Initiatives, Bernice set the agenda in place for the next two days. She spoke of the important role seniors play in our communities, and congratulated David Rex, of Stephenville, on his recent provincial acknowledgment as one of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Seniors of Distinction.

Greetings were brought on behalf of the federal, provincial and municipal governments. The tone for the event was set when Laura Aylward, participant and Stephenville Town Councillor ended her welcome with Lucille Ball’s secret of aging…“is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age.”

Laughter and energized chatter abounded when keynote speaker, Gerard Yetman, of AIDS Committee of NL 20161005_144616_hdrintroduced his topic for the afternoon regarding aging and sexual health. With The Best Sex in Years booklet as a resource, he spoke how the “norms around sexual health and aging must change.” That the misconceived concept that “older adults don’t have sex or enjoy it” is wrong.  He went on to say that “sex is a normal part of life for all ages.”

During small group discussions, those in the room shared detailed scenarios that could have been anyone’s story. With plenty of time for exchange and information sharing, each group presented their scenario and their plan of recourse that they would do or offer in each situation. One such discussion was concerning cyber dating and when reported the group highlighted the importance of protecting oneself online. They gave several tips to follow including taking a friend with you for your first face-to-face meet.  While they felt that they are not so tech-savvy, the best advice they felt they could give to anyone of any age, when it comes to online, “If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is.”

Also with AIDS Committee of NL, Jessica Hackett presented information regarding SWAP’s mobile needle exchange program, presently offered in Corner Brook, with hopes of it coming to the Stephenville area soon. She spoke briefly regarding drug addiction and harm reduction strategies among seniors. “Many older people are using pain meds regularly to get through each day.”  SWAP allows a non-judgmental environment of safe needle disposal. It gives an opportunity to maintain safety in our communities and our children. Jessica feels “it is a win-win situation.”

Of course, it can’t be all training and information, there were many line dances, jigs and toe-step20161005_200841_hdrping done during the evening dinner and entertainment with Flashpoint.20161005_204404_hdr

Growing older, for most of us is a scary thing and have many negative connotations surrounding it. Knowing and being aware of the many facets of our age is important. During Day Two, training and information was a little more serious, but vitally important. Violence among seniors is all too-often a common occurrence.

Following a relaxing self care activity administered by Sharon Williston, Program Support Assistant with BSG Status of Women Council (BSGSWC), Bernice and Janice Kennedy, Executive Director with BSGSWC co-facilitated a Respect Aging workshop with open discussions regarding the types of violence and how this violence is often inflicted, with the perpetrators, many times, being those who care and love our aging citizens.  Working in small groups on case studies, many felt this brought new light and knowledge to an unpleasant but necessary topic. One participant spoke of how, “What is called violence today, wasn’t always thought of or called that.” With participation and feedback from the larger group focus was brought to the risk factors, but also to how seniors can protect themselves.20161006_104847_hdr

As the conference came to a conclusion, it was evident that the participants enjoyed themselves immensely, thanking the organizers for offering this opportunity and that they hope it becomes a regular event. With a list of contacts, resources and memories for a lifetime, new friends who had entered just two short days earlier as strangers vowed to meet again.


For more pics of the event check out our social-network-facebook-icon page.

Bay St. George Women Take Back the Night

img_0779Women from the community gathered at the steps of Golden G in Stephenville on the evening of Friday, Sept. 16, 2016 in recognition of Sexual Violence Awareness Week. Take Back the Night Walk is an annual event organized by the Bay St. George Status of Women’s Council in partnership with the Bay St. George Coalition to End Violence.

Armed with colorful signage, and led down Main Street by Stephenville Search and Rescue, women of all ages, groups and organizations, walked for independence and to end the fear of walking at night. This walk, held on the third Friday of September, delivers the powerful statement that women should be able to walk the streets without any man needed to protect them.20160916_200119_hdr

With pick up locations along the route at Coleman’s and Kindale Library,  nearly 70 women marched into LA Bown, welcomed and honored by the St. George’s Drumming Circle.

20160916_193904_hdrWhile the walk is for women only, the celebration event following is open to everyone to support strong women in the community. During the welcome, Sherrie Chaulk, co-chair of BSG Status of Women’s Council spoke of the importance of the walk and how to show support during this day and every day towards equality and women. “It is a chance to publicly celebrate women’s solidarity.” She went on to say that the walk is for women only to “symbolically underline that women will not be passive and accept the violence against them but will instead speak out and take action for change. ”

Those in attendance were invited to visit the Faceless Dolls project; a project headed by the Newfoundland 20160916_205514_hdrAboriginal Women’s Network (NAWN) A quilt of 109 beautifully colored dolls, each honoring the life of a woman or child who died at the hands of violence, was displayed in the hall. Cards describing their lives and the manner in which they were cut short sat on a table where memorial candles were lit.

The Clothesline Project, spearheaded by the Western Coalition to End Violence, showcased colored tee-shirts with messages of strength, survival and 20160916_201928_hdrdetermination throughout the building.

With musical entertainment provided by the cultural drumming circle and Kim Nippard, everyone enjoyed an evening of camaraderie and delicious bbq hotdogs and hamburgers.

Congratulations to all organizers, participants and supporters who made this event another success. Here is to breaking the silence and celebrating strong women everywhere.

HELP Committee holds 50 plus event for WEAAD

Many folks in the Burgeo area attended a 50 plus event held on June 13, 2016 in recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Despite the wet weather, organizers offered participants a day of information, fun, music and, of course, lunch.

With a 10:30 am start, those attending visited various booths with information and resources provided on elder abuse, seniors and depression, cervical screening and other wellness topics. Those interested in the Improving Health: My Way program had the opportunity to find out more information at their booth.  A blood pressure screening clinic was offered by public health nurses on site.

Elizabeth Siegel of the NL Seniors Resource Center presented on programs and services offered by the center. In addition to health and wellness, participants received information on legal situations. Mary Ennis presented information on Last Will & Testaments, power of attorney’s and advanced health care directives.

During lunch, Lorraine Best, facilitated a workshop on Elder Abuse offering tips and resources to those in attendance.

With so much information to digest, it was time to unwind and enjoy life. Thanks to Travis Durnford, many enjoyed a good old fashioned Newfie scuff on the dance floor.

Feedback from participants and members of the organizing HELP Committee felt the day to be very successful.

Suicide Prevention Awareness Week

SPAW_banner-yellow-636x300September 10-16 is Suicide Prevention Awareness Week. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that over 800,000 people die by suicide each year. That is on average, one life lost every 40 seconds. Suicide knows no age, and does not care that children as young as 5 are struggling for their lives.

According to WHO, the prevention of suicide has not been adequately addressed due to a lack of awareness of suicide as a major public health problem and the taboo in many societies to openly discuss it. To date, only a few countries have included suicide prevention among their health priorities and only 28 countries report having a national suicide prevention strategy.

Suicide is everyone’s business and concern. It is up to you to know the signs and reach out to someone who you may believe needs help. We need to start talking, openly, creating community awareness and breaking down the taboo to make progress in preventing suicide.

On a global front, we need to unite to prevent this worldwide issue. On Saturday, Sept 10 at 8 pm, place a light in your window, check in with someone you may be concerned about, let them know you care.

If you or someone you care about needs support, contact:

Mental Health Crisis Line: 1-888-737-4668

Kids Help Phone: 1-866-668-6868

NL Health Line: 1-888-709-2929